October 23, 2023
INDUSTRY STAGE November 7th Activities

The 2023 TCCF Industry Stage is divided into Keynotes, Panels, and Spotlights. From practical experiences to future trends, it encompasses insights for content industry professionals. 

This year, the TCCF Industry Stage covers publishing, cultural tech, and screen industries. International publishing leaders, filmmakers, and creators will elaborate on diversity and future opportunities in content industries. Key companies will also present the latest updates and trends in the field.

Global Media Mix with Technology

We are thrilled to have CEO Takeshi Natsuno from #KADOKAWA Group, a versatile company involved in publishing, film, animation, gaming, and UGC. He will speak on the topic of "Global Media-Mix with Technology," sharing how Kadokawa Group creates influential IPs that impact the world and expands the international market through technology and cross-domain synergy.

Date|November 7, 2023, Tuesday


Location|Taipei New Horizon 14 F

Registration Link|https://www.tccf.tw/industry-stage   

Registration Period|From now until October 31 at 12:00 PM. If the event capacity is reached, registration will close earlier.

Introducing PWK

A lecture that gamers couldn’t risk missing!

Nada Holdings, in collaboration with us, is delighted to invite the renowned Japanese game director, Mr. Hajime Tabata, who has previously worked for Koei Tecmo Games and Square Enix. He will be sharing insights into the technology and operational models of Japanese game production, drawing from his years of experience. This includes his involvement in the development of the Final Fantasy series, as well as his new venture with JP GAMES and their innovative project direction.

In addition, he will introduce the all-new game and animation development tool created by the JP GAMES team - PWK. PWK is a set of game/animation and metaverse development tools that have garnered significant attention from numerous game companies and even piqued the interest of non-gaming industries. In the future, PWK will open up a whole new gaming ecosystem.

Date|November 7, 2023, Tuesday



How AI Co-creation Accelerates the Upcoming Virtual Future

AI, like a sentient being, can analyze, deduce, and even create. Constructing purely virtual worlds is no longer a technological myth as science fiction scenarios have become reality as if prophesied.

The future has always been with us, and AI co-creation is not in the distant future. Join us on a spaceship bound for the virtual world, as we engage in a conversation with Ju-Chun KO (Growth Partner of Dentsu Group Web3), Eric Kang (Sr. Manager, Solution Architect of NVIDIA), and Chia-Chi LIN (Founder of Moonshine Studio). They will take you from different industry perspectives to explore how AI shapes the uncharted territory of creators.

Date|November 7, 2023, Tuesday


Location|Taipei New Horizon 14 F

Registration Link|https://reurl.cc/5ORWpn

Registration Period|From now until October 31 at 12:00 PM. If the event capacity is reached, registration will close earlier.

​Reminder|To register for the events, please purchase the badge first, then proceed with event registration.

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